Wellness Connections

Hospitals are a vital part of their communities and the services they provide extend well beyond just curing injury or illness. Hospitals are taking responsibility for the health of their communities, helping people get and stay healthy year-round. In 2024, the Punxsutawney Area Hospital will be hosting a series of educational seminars and other activities to promote wellness in our community. 

Through our Community Health Needs Assessment, we recognize the areas of wellness our community needs additional support and resources. Throughout the entire year, we will be providing the community with resources with the hope to improve the overall wellness. 

Education Seminars for each month are being scheduled. 

January- Cervical Cancer Awareness   

February- Heart Health 

March- Colorectal Cancer Awareness

April- OT/PT Rehabilitation

May- Skin Cancer Awareness

June- Men's Health, Migraine and Headache Awareness

July- Pain Management

August- Primary Care

September- ENT

October- Women's Health 

November- Bladder Health 

December- Health Wrap Up


Looking for a list of resources in our community? Click here!