Asthma Clinic at PAH

All Inclusive Comprehensive Visits

Punxsutawney Area Hospital is excited to announce an Asthma Clinic which is being lead by Susan Montag, CRNP has over 10 years experience working with patients diagnosed with asthma. Her doctorate research was on school-aged children with asthma in Western Pennsylvania. She is a member of multiple organizations that support lung and asthma health. In consultation with onsite Respiratory Therapists, Pulmonologist, and Otolaryngologist Specialists, Susan creates a patient specific action plan. 

All Inclusive Comprehensive Visits  to the Asthma Clinic Include:
Pulmonary Function Testing
Asthma Education
Action Plan Creation & Management
Medication Education & Management
Peak Flow Assessment

For more information contact:

Punxsutawney Area Hospital
81 Hillcrest Drive Suite 100
Punxsutawney PA 15767

Click here to down the printable brochure.

